"Chakujitusei - Seizing the moment," a weekday day party curated by two prominent DJs from the Tokyo underground scene, is set to offer a unique experience. This event features DJs mahogany and kasetakumi. Mahogany captivates the floor with free-spirited melodies and bass that hits right at your core, especially known for her outdoor performances. kasetakumi, on the other hand, infuses his impeccable mixing with playful, mischievous grooves, creating an unparalleled musical journey. Come to SPACE for an exclusive deep, relaxing psychedelic music experience that you won't find anywhere else.
kasetakumi @takutakumid
mahogany @mahogany_yy
アンダーグラウンドシーンで活躍するDJ2名によって紡がれる平日のデイパーティー、着実性。今回は野外を中心に奔放な上物使いと足腰に直撃するような低音でフロアを掴むmahogany, 品格すら漂うミックスの仕草の間に仕込まれる悪戯なグルーヴの遊びに唯一無二の感性を宿らせるkasetakumiという2人のDJがラインナップ。他でもないSPACEならではのディープ・リラクシングなサイケデリック音楽体験をぜひ体感しに来てほしい。
"Chakujitusei - Seizing the moment," a weekday day party curated by two prominent DJs from the Tokyo underground scene, is set to offer a unique experience. This event features DJs mahogany and kasetakumi. Mahogany captivates the floor with free-spirited melodies and bass that hits right at your core, especially known for her outdoor performances. kasetakumi, on the other hand, infuses his impeccable mixing with playful, mischievous grooves, creating an unparalleled musical journey. Come to SPACE for an exclusive deep, relaxing psychedelic music experience that you won't find anywhere else.